Capaci is a city in the Province of Palermo in Sicily which is in Italy. The main Airports near Capaci are Birgi Airport and Punta Raisi Airport. With our Car rental at Capaci deals, you also have the advantage to schedule your trip according to your needs. Palermo, Monreale, Cinisi, Carini, Borgetto are some of the near by cities that are famous as a tourist destination. If you want to taste special Capaci Loaf, you can attend the Festival of the Vastedda held in the month of January. Sicilian loaf
Capaci Car Rental deals offered by us provide you with well maintained cars and good service for every type of car. Giovanni Falcone, HMS Sibyl and Orto botanico di Palermo which is a garden with red soil topping and calcareous tufaceous bedrock. Greek Temples & Theaters, Art & Architecture, Beaches with crisp clear waters and black sand beaches, Mount Etna and Noto – best example of Baroque art are some of the best parts to se in Capaci.